Hope After Death

Death is not an encouraging word, but resurrection is very exciting. Jesus demonstrated He alone has the power to raise people from the dead back to life. Look at the instance of Lazarus who was dead 4 days.
At Jesus' command, Lazarus came forth from the grave where he lay. Jesus told his disciples that he would raise Himself in 3 days.
That is exactly what He did!
Early dawn on the third day, as the song writer says, “He tore the bars away...Death could not keep its prey.” One day Jesus told all who believe in Him that they will hear a “shout” like Lazarus heard, and all will be raised from the grave, and given a new spiritual eternal body. It is called “the hope” of christian believers.
It's interesting that Jesus never gave us the day or hour the shout will come.
We expect it any time of any day. What assurance do you have that you will hear the shout of Jesus to call believers to Heaven. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh to the Father but by Me.”
Please send us a note if you need help understanding how to be ready for “the shout”.

God Bless.


The Power of the Resurrection