The Gospel

In 1874 Phillip P. Bliss wrote a song called “Wonderful Words of Life”, referring to the Bible. I think he got the message of Psalm 19 which is God’s own testimony of the Bible.

Psalm 19:7 proclaims “the law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul”.
Here God testifies, His book is law. Laws are foundations. Isn’t it “wonderful” to know the foundation of this thing we call life?

We have the book that has the answers of “how to live”. It's like possessing the owner's manual to life. No more living in fear of what is right or wrong. We possess “the law”.

God is the author, so obviously it's “perfect”. Not only are there no mistakes, so mankind does not need to improve on it, the word “perfect” also refers to completeness. It's all comprehensive. “The law” includes instructions in all areas of our spiritual lives. The first accomplishment is to “convert the soul”.

Romans 1:16
For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth.

The first baby step of life, believe the gospel. That Jesus came seeking to save you, died to pay the penalty of all your transgression. Was buried and raised to life on the 3rd day as He said.

Just now tell God you believe His word and ask Him to forgive you because Jesus died in your place. Receive Jesus as your Savior.

Isn’t it “wonderful”?




The Prodigal Son